Gosh who am I ? I am a woman...really? I still feel like a kid--I look in the mirror and see the aged face, the gray hair, the not-so-shapely body anymore so I know its true that I am in my 30s but I feel like I am so new at all this adult-stuff. I am a woman.
I am a wife. A wife to a man who loves me more than I understand. How can he love such a broken person, someone who yells and nags for no reason sometimes, someone who takes her frustrations out on him just because he is the only other adult in the house. I love this man that has been given to me. He is really the hero of my heart, he protects me and our children, he works so hard for us, he fixes the broken and nurtures the things that cannot be fixed. He is playful and smart and can construct and figure anything out. I love him.
I am a mom who gazed at her three kids today and cried, cried because I hope that I can be to them what God intends me to be. These children were given to our family for a temporary time for ME to raise , teach , discipline , love . That is an astronomical task. Yet, it also fills me with so much joy that I get to be the one to walk with them on the road of their life filled with joys and disappointment. These little people are new souls that were created to live with me and be with me and participate in my life. It was not by chance--we were meant for each other. Dear Lord, give me the grace to give to them what they need during their life. Help me to love and lead as I should. Bless all children with your protective love and their parents with gentleness and patience.
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